Back to School Finds
We have gathered up some of our favorite back to school finds for you, and have put them all in one place! We hope you find these helpful as you get ready to send your kids back to school. Click on any of the collages or titles below to be linked to specific items.
Back to School Books
Most of these are just fun, back to school stories but "Kissing Hand" and "The Invisible String" are great stories for children who are feeling anxious about separating from loved ones while at school.
Walmart Backpacks
These backpack finds are so cute and there are options for all ages. The best part is.... they are are under $20!
Water Bottles that DON'T LEAK!
These water bottles have the Stay at Home Activity Mom stamp of approval.They are the perfect size for kids and best of all, they DON'T leak! You can't beat that!
Lunch Containers
We have linked some great options for reusable lunch containers. They keep your child's food fresh and protected from being crushed in a backpack. These are a great option if you are trying to reduce your waste by not sending things in plastic bags anymore.
Lunch Bags
It's always fun to get a new lunch bag for the start of school, especially if your old one has rips or stains. Below are some great options for the new school year. Be sure to check out the "PACKIT" brand lunch bags, they have built in ice packs and fit the "Bentgo" brand lunch boxes perfectly. So cool!
Back to School Teacher Gifts
It is totally not necessary to give a back to school gift to your child's teacher. Although, wouldn't it be awesome to just start the year off by spoiling them if your budget allows for this?! They work so hard, especially to get everything ready for back to school. They deserve it! This list includes items to fit all budgets from a pack of pens to an adorable new tote bag.
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