10 St. Patrick's Day Learning Activities for your lucky charm!

It's your lucky day... we have gathered up some awesome sensory, fine motor, literacy and STEM activities all with a St. Patrick's Day theme! Keep reading to find something you and child will want to try today! Click on the title of any of the activities below to be linked to full directions. 


Fruit Loop Color Sort 

Take a wide tray with sides. Use colored painter's tape and put pieces of tape across the tray in rainbow order. Give your child a bowl of fruit loops and have them balance the cereal on the matching piece of tape. This is great fine motor and color matching practice!




Letter Match Clover

Draw a clover outline or print the one linked on our Instagram account. Write the ABCs all over the inside of the clover. Take green dot stickers and write the same letters you used inside the clover on the stickers. Give your child the dot stickers and have them place them on top of the matching letters on the clover paper. Depending on what your child is working on, you can do all letters of the alphabet or just the letters in their name.




Rainbow Number Match

Take a black marker and draw a rainbow with wide bands on a piece of paper. Fill in the bands with numbers that your child is working on. Write those same numbers on dot stickers using all the colors of the rainbow. Be sure to double check that you have matching numbers for each color section (for example: red will need more than purple). 





Paper Snip Shamrock by engaging_littles

@engaging_littles shared this cute art project on their Instagram. Draw a shamrock on paper or use the same printout you used in the letter match activity above. Cut strips of dark green and light green paper. Then snip those into little squares. Depending on the age of your child you can have them do this part first or you can do all the cutting for them. Then, take a glue stick and glue the squares inside the clover. Cut around the outside of the clover when you're down to trim away any pieces that hang over. 




Rainbow Rice

This is a fun one and it will last well past St. Patrick's Day. Click here for full directions on how to make rainbow rice. Once the rice is dry, pour it into a big bin. Add spoons, cups, bowls, etc to the bin and let the sensory fun happen! 




Rainbow Binoculars

Hot glue two toilet paper tubes together. Then paint a rainbow going across both tubes. Let that dry. Then add cotton balls all around the openings at the end of one side of the tubes. Once that is fully dry you are ready to go exploring and maybe see if you can find a leprechaun! Depending on the age of your child you will need to help with the painting and gluing of this project. 




Cup Tower

Gather up green plastic cups, popsicle sticks, and some little clovers or other St. Patrick's Day trinkets. Give all the supplies to your child and let them build and create whatever they want. This is a great problem solving activity.





Fizzy Pots of Gold by entertainmytoddler

This awesome science experiment was shared by @entertainmytoddler on Instagram. You will need small plastic black pots, vinegar, and baking soda. Fill a pot with baking soda then add vinegar. Watch it fizz over! You can add green food coloring to make it more festive! 




Missing Colors

Draw multiple blank rainbows all over a piece of paper. Color the bands of each rainbow in but leave one band white in every rainbow. Switch off which band is white for each rainbow. Challenge your child to figure out which colored band is missing in each rainbow and color it in. 




ABC Clover

Cut a clover out of a piece of cardboard or thick paper. Write the letters of the alphabet all around the edges of the clover. Give your child ABC clothespins (you can sometimes find these in the Target Dollar Spot or easily make them yourself). Have them clip the clothespin to the matching letter on the clover. This is great fine motor and letter practice all in one! 


If you want to add some festive fun to your St. Patrick's Day celebrating we have included links below to pjs, clothes, and books. Click on the collage for direct links. 


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