Fun with Magna-Tiles!
Magna-Tiles are such an awesome STEM toy and encourage great open ended play. Kids of all ages (and even adults!) love creating all sorts of structures with Magna-Tile sets. We have included some fun and unique ways to play with them below! Click on the title of any activity to be linked to videos and more detailed descriptions of the activities on Stay at Home Activity Mom's Instagram page.
Color Race
This is such fun activity, your child can play with just you or the whole family. Have the colored bears (linked here) (or any other small toys/trinkets you have) race to the end of the magnetic tile board. The homemade spinner makes this game even more fun!

Jungle Animal Measurement
This activity is an awesome way to introduce nonstandard units of measurement (measuring using things other than a ruler) to your child. They will be learning and having fun all at the same time!
Shopping Cart Play by @mamainthegalaxy
Our friend over @mamainthegalaxy shared this fun idea on Instagram. Need to run some errands? Pack some of your magnetic tiles in a bag and bring them along with you. Your child will have a great time playing with them in the cart and it's a nice alternative from always handing over your phone to keep them entertained while you shop.

Word Play
When practicing word families, it is always a great idea to switch up where and how you practice. For this activity, we went outside to the garage door and stuck our magnetic tiles on there. Then, we were able to practice building different words. It is a great way to practice word families, sight words, spelling words, etc.

Side of the Car Fun
This is such a fun and unique way to play with your magnetic tiles. Head outside and start putting the tiles on your car. Your kids will love it! Another fun variation while you are out there... try the garage door!

Tummy Time
Such a fun way to mix up tummy time for your baby. Stack them up for some cool colors for them to look out. Just be sure the tiles are out of reach so they don't accidentally knock them over on themselves.

Spin a Book
Need help choosing the bedtime book for the night? Use your Magna-Tiles to make a spinner to help you pick. It's a fun way to mix up the bedtime routine. To create the spinner, you will need pieces from the Magna-Tiles Metropolis set (linked here).

Alphabet Match by my_busy_kid
@my_busy_kid shared some great phonics activities involving Magna-TIles. For this Alphabet Match activity you just need tiles and a white board marker. It's a great way to work on letters in a way that will really keep your child engaged.

This is a fun way to get your children involved in decorating the table for a special occasion. Look how beautiful they turned out, especially with the matching flowers!

Ramps and Racing
The Magna-Tile set called Downhill Duo (linked here) comes with these awesome cars and ramps. So much open ended play can come from this set and your kids will love racing the cars against each other.

Looking to start or add to your Magna-Tile collection? Check out some of the links below for some great sets!
Magna-TIles 74 Piece set (linked here)
Magna-Tiles Dino World (linked here)
Magna-Tiles Farm Animals (linked here)
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